Quiet Place..Indeed!

This movie was one of the very inspiring projects that after I watched it I immediately started dreaming about being a part of the production team, what a wish :)

When I watched the movie in the theater, I couldn’t believe my ears, what a joy that was to experience more than 300 people being in the theater and sounding like I was sitting alone. Of course the part I enjoyed the most was finally nobody was trying open their snicker bar package or eating popcorn so loud anymore!

Being on the set of this project must be a dream come through for any production sound mixer in the world, I bet they didn’t need to yell “quiet on set, please! “ cause the project came with its own quietness..

I don’t think I need to talk about what an amazing job the whole sound team did , production and the post production!

I seriously salute everybody who worked on this project!

Well done!

Sound Journeys

It's been a long time since I shared anything here..

Alright then here we go!

I'm gonna let you watch this beautiful project and after that hopefully you'll be more adventurous with your listening rest of the day.. 

Think about the sound you hear and figure out what makes it so identical for you..

It's a good exercise for sharpen your listening abilities also you'll discover your senses hyped up by shifting your focus to environmental listening through out the day..




Need Advice?

Ben Burtt, one of the greatest in the industry.

I recently ran into this video while I was listening to his other sound design interviews about the projects he was working on. I truly loved the advice he gave to all of aspiring sound designers out there.. Also you don't have to be a sound designer to take his advice, his logic works in many aspects of life..