beautiful Blend of realism and animation

If you make people believe in a story that is completely animated, that’s the true power of sound and music no doubt! I found this video and it pretty much blew my mind how they blended two different realities seamlessly. It’s a fun little video to watch! Also who wouldn’t like watching Toothless being Toothless :)

Quiet Place..Indeed!

This movie was one of the very inspiring projects that after I watched it I immediately started dreaming about being a part of the production team, what a wish :)

When I watched the movie in the theater, I couldn’t believe my ears, what a joy that was to experience more than 300 people being in the theater and sounding like I was sitting alone. Of course the part I enjoyed the most was finally nobody was trying open their snicker bar package or eating popcorn so loud anymore!

Being on the set of this project must be a dream come through for any production sound mixer in the world, I bet they didn’t need to yell “quiet on set, please! “ cause the project came with its own quietness..

I don’t think I need to talk about what an amazing job the whole sound team did , production and the post production!

I seriously salute everybody who worked on this project!

Well done!

Can't believe, it's been a year???

Well, first of all I have to say that I seriously can’t believe it’s been a year since my last post here..Phew! Life sped up so much I guess..

I have been meaning to upload videos and my audio verite sound bites, I guess the time is now..

Since last February so much happened like the life took me for a swirl and I kept on dancing :)

I’m back on track now and it feels good to be back!

Stay tuned for more posts and updates on the Audio Verite page..

Also a very quick update as a glimpse of what has happened last year, my husband and I created our own company now I’m working the under the umbrella of it and I have to admit it feels pretty good :)

It’s called Media Dolma! Wooohooooo!

The name is inspired by a Turkish dish called midye dolma, it means stuffed mussels, you can find this dish anywhere on the street anytime of the day.. Mussels are stuffed with seasoned/spiced rice and when they serve it to you they squeeze lemon juice on it, oh my gosh it’s one of the delicious foods you can ever eat, of course in my opinion :)

Anyway, from the outside, you would think that they are just mussels piled on the tray but when the mussels are opened they are packed with goodness so our company has the same mind set, it’s packed with hard work, creativity and dedication to all the projects we work on! Depending on the project’s need, our company might show up as one person or two or a whole team but knowing that there is limitless amount of work, preparation behind that one show up!

I went through a debate in my mind about if I should just have a website with our company name and cancel this one or not but I decided to keep my own name domain as a functioning website cause this is my first baby and I put so much time into this precious website that it’s too much of gem for me to let go of..

When I complete Media Dolma’s website I’ll link it here so you can check out both of them..

Looking for a legit designer to design the logo, fingers crossed I’ll find that wonderfully talented and creative human being to work with very soon who can be a part of Media Dolma’s goodness!

Here comes my first post of the year!

Cheers to many!



Writing for Sound with Randy Thom

One of the very important people in our sound industry, Randy Thom is in this podcast episode and sharing amazing knowledge of sound with us. I would say that I wouldn't miss any opportunity in life to learn from a legend like Randy Thom and I think you would like the same.


What You Need to Do to Make Your Sound Editor Love You

Here is very optimist wish here :)

I hope every director will watch this video if not then I hope they will learn these elements very early in the game so every project they work on will sound much better because of their knowledge of sound and how much they pay attention to it..

Vickie Sampson, thanks so much for giving this speech, sage advice you gave in this video!

Panorama NYC

It was so much fun to work with an amazing team at Panorama Music Festival! After spending 3 days working in this music festival, I learned so much about how amazing a music festival can be!

You gotta check it out!

In Pursuit of Silence

I had waited for this documentary to come out for two years and it was truly worth it!

It's a craving sometimes for me to watch a very good documentary about sound and I actually stumbled upon this project during their crowd funding phase and started following them closely..

I recently watched it in Cinema Village and it was one of the most informative docs about sound and silence..

You don't need to be into sound technically in order to enjoy this documentary, this is for anyone and everyone who listens and hears on daily basis.

If this movie comes to your town, I would say that don't miss it.

If you have seen it already, I would love to hear your thoughts :)

Sound Journeys

It's been a long time since I shared anything here..

Alright then here we go!

I'm gonna let you watch this beautiful project and after that hopefully you'll be more adventurous with your listening rest of the day.. 

Think about the sound you hear and figure out what makes it so identical for you..

It's a good exercise for sharpen your listening abilities also you'll discover your senses hyped up by shifting your focus to environmental listening through out the day..




Heavy Weight Perfectly Explained!

 If you are interested in how other human beings react to forgiveness or that thing, that heavy weight on their chest that they carry for years and years without even attempting to contact with the thing or the person that created this weight in the first place, here is a great podcast called Heavy Weight! Do yourself a favor and listen..Here is the link you can listen to it here or simply download it to your podcast app. One of the most amazing podcast show made in last few years! I salute the team at Gimlet Media, well done ladies and gentlemen!
This is the first episode!

Need Advice?

Ben Burtt, one of the greatest in the industry.

I recently ran into this video while I was listening to his other sound design interviews about the projects he was working on. I truly loved the advice he gave to all of aspiring sound designers out there.. Also you don't have to be a sound designer to take his advice, his logic works in many aspects of life..

Your Hearing

Here is a great webinar provided by Shure about your hearing, causes of hearing loss, how to protect your ears.

The special guest in this webinar is Dr. Michael Santucciall, president of Sensaphonics, audiologist, and expert in hearing loss prevention. He talks about all the necessary knowledge that you'll need to know in your life if you have any relationship with sound. 

I assume you would like to keep your hearing in good condition for many years?

If the answer is yes, then this webinar is going to be very helpful for you!




My Beautiful Broken Brain

Sometimes, I get this strong urge to watch a documentary and tonight was one of the those nights that I stumbled upon this beautiful documentary on Netflix.. My Beautiful Broken Brain..

I was a little skeptical at first. I wanted to watch a good documentary but mostly on the most inspiring and uplifting note and kept thinking during first 5 minutes, was this documentary going to have any uplifting element in the end or is it just going to be a flat story about this patient going through her sickness..

 Let me tell you my skepticism went away very quick. The visuals were captivating, story was getting more intense and the sound design was just spot on.. Creative but not over the top craziness.. it was just good, really good..

I can go on and on about how I felt about the story, great transitions they had, the thought process it created in my brain and so forth but I won't do that right now..

I will leave you with the trailer and hope that you'll have some free time to check out this beautifully created documentary..




The Distortion of Sound

Do you listen to music? Are you in music industry or playing an instrument or simply interested in the topic of music? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then here is a documentary for you. I enjoyed watching it and I hope you'll like it too!

Seamless Sound Design

In this exclusive SoundWorks Collection sound profile we talk with Director Pete Docter and Producer Jonas Rivera and Supervising Sound Editor Shannon Mills from Skywalker Sound about their work on Pixar's Inside Out. Growing up can be a bumpy road, and it's no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions – Joy (Amy Poehler), Fear (Bill Hader), Anger (Lewis Black), Disgust (Mindy Kaling) and Sadness (Phyllis Smith). The emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley’s mind, where they help advise her through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters. Although Joy, Riley's main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive, the emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school. For more exclusive videos check out Join the SoundWorks Collection Vimeo Channel: SoundWorks Collection Mailing List: NOTE: Feel free to re-embed and share this SoundWorks Collection video, but please do not download source video and repost without permission.

Generally when I watch a movie, it's really hard for me to only enjoy the story because I get super busy listening to the sound levels, how they designed it, what kind of sound effects are there etc. but with this animation I totally forgot about all those details that I pay really close attention to.. This animation was hands down one of the best sound design works I had a chance to experience. Highly recommended!

If you would like to know about the team behind it, please visit this link below: